MPSC Forest Services Syllabus | महाराष्ट्र वनसेवा अभ्यासक्रम
MPSC Forest Services Exam conducted by MPSC. As the post is in a dedicated forest stream but open to appearing anyone. MPSC Forest Services Exam conducted for forest officer designation, its group A & B post. As MPSC given MPSC Forest Services Exam syllabus considers two stages prelim and mains. If you go through forest prelim syllabus you get to know that mpsc forest prelim based on marathi & english language paper + general studies with current affairs. Here note down that exam medium is english and marathi both but language paper will be in a respective language only, So you need to read, write and understand both languages to pass exam. Download mpsc forest syllabus below.
Forest mains syllabus considers two papers. Paper 1 is General studies and paper 2 is general science & natural conservation. MPSC Forest mains considers extra knowledge in general science & natural conservation as the post is dedicated forest work. There are many subpoints in both papaer to study properly Download mpsc forest syllabus below.